Yes, this is how the conversation goes. No, I am NOT lying when I say "I don't know"
OPSEC is a very real and very omnipresent being who will sneak into our homes, steal our sugar and toss over our laundry baskets if we divulge any information.
I know. Being that I live in the same house as him and am privy to all sort of personal information regarding Chris...the Navy doesn't seem to think I deserve that TS clearance. Therefore I am on a "NEED TO KNOW" basis. If they think I need to know, they might tell me. Otherwise, I am as clueless as the rest of you.
Of course the are required to tell me when he is coming home. But I swear, many MANY times, I don't know until 24 hours in advance.
If I don't call you as soon as I know...forgive me. It's not that you are being "ignored" or "deliberately left out" I promise...I'm not that mean. At least.....I'm not that mean when I know Chris is coming home :)
When he leaves quickly and without warning please understand that saying things like "does he even live there anymore" are hurtful and mean and simply show your lack of knowledge on how the military operates. That's ok, that's how they like you civilians to be. Clueless.
Also, if he doesn't call you when he is shipping out with 24 hours notice...maybe it's because he wants to spend what precious few hours he has left with us, his family.
So ends my lesson on "How the military doles out information to the families" If I've offended you...I am sorry, But then again....maybe you need to think about WHY you are offended.
So I am sorry I can't tell you more. I am sorry I don't know when he can write you. Heck, I don't know when he can write ME or his daughter! I can tell you that submarines do NOT have telephones and therefore the chances of you getting a phone call are slim to not gonna happen.
A very special THANK YOU! to Julie Negron, the creator of "Jenny" the comic seen above! You should check her out at http://jennyspouse.com/
love Jenny Spouse. I check it weekly!
She gave me permission to use that. Very sweet of her. I look forward to a new one every week too!
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