Oh my. It has been way to long. Sorry Melissa.
So much has happened. I hardly know where to start!
Most importantly, my husband came home from patrol. Hooray!
I got to go out and meet up with the boat (along with some other wives) and ride it back in. It was a great trip out. Some of the finest ladies I know were there. We enjoyed our bus ride and subsequent boat ride to meet the submarine. Chatting happily and occasionally breaking into song. (Thanks Cara)
After a few hours we met up with the sub. I boarded and was greeted down below by my handsome husband!
What a sight that is!
Gracie had won "first hug" so Chris was the first guy off the boat. Meaning she had to be there waiting when we got into port.
Thanks to my wonderful friend Melissa she was not only there waiting for her hug, she watched the boat come into the canal while enjoying a fabulous picnic lunch. Thanks again Melissa! She still talks about it!!!
Let's fast forward a few weeks.
Gracie is preparing for her upcoming dance recital. Irish dance. We have been spending many, many hours driving back and fourth to Kingston for practice. But, being as she started Irish dance in March...she has advanced in class already and is a natural. Her teacher is really impressed with her. So and I....of course!
The Fourth of July was spent first by watching the annual Third of July fireworks show in Poulsbo, which we can see from our neighborhood. Then on the Fourth, we went to our friends Dave and Carrie's for what has now become our tradition. You see, they were the very first "boat people" we met. They invited us last year, right after we moved here. Carrie and I became fast friends. At the party last year I was also introduced to a couple other wardroom wives. It was an amazing reception. They welcomed us with open arms and never in my life have I felt more welcome at a new duty station that I did here. Thanks Carrie!
So, we naturally headed to their house again this year. What could be better than alcohol and explosives?!
Now on to this week. On Wednesday I had a nice dinner with some great friends. We were saying goodbye to two of our wardroom wives. I got to chat with some wonderful ladies and say my goodbyes to my friend Suzanne. (I'm going to miss you!!!!) Who is off to Hawaii.
On Thursday I was invited by the Captain to join my husband at quarters so I could do the honor of pinning on his "Dolphins." Probably the single most important event in a submarine officers career.
He not only got his dolphins, he did it faster than anyone. I'm bragging, I know. But I am tremendously proud of him!
Gracie and I were there, standing with Chris in front of the entire boat to do the honors. It was so exciting!
Those are the highlights of the past month and a half. Yesterday and today we have enjoyed nonstop rain and thunderstorms. It has been wonderful! Up until yesterday, it has been sunny and hot.
Oh rain, how I love thee...let us never be apart!
I also missed a really good thunderstorm. The only redeeming quality of the South. So it has been an added bonus to see the flash and hear the crack of lightning.
Gracie also has been able to play her favorite game from when we lived in Charleston. 1, 2, 3.....lightning!!!
The rules are simple. You count to three and say lightning and try to say lightning as it's flashing. Works a lot better down there than it does here...but she has given it the college try!
Ok, I think that sums up all the highlights for now.
Wow...sorry I've been so distracted lately! That happens with the guys get home I guess. I'll try not to make it a habit!