Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call. One I wasn't expecting (do we ever expect it) my Uncle Bob passed away.
Of course I'm sad at the loss. He was an amazing man, but I am grateful at how quickly he went.
He was healthy, happy and feeling better than he had in years. He spent the holidays surrounded by family. Traveled to the coast then enjoyed football games at home on New Years Day. He was in high spirits.
Then, yesterday mid-morning, he and my Aunt were in the living room reading the paper and chatting. He got up from his chair to get something from the kitchen. According to my Aunt, still laughing about something that had just been said, when he took 4 steps and fell to the floor. Dead before he hit the ground. If that's not the way to go....I don't know what is.
My Aunt, a true lady. Has a good stiff upper lip. She has always been sort of a hero of mine simply because she is so poised, elegant and gracious. She is fiercely independent and will be able to handle this with the same grace and wisdom she employs in all aspects of her life.
My Uncle, what an amazing man. He has seen and done it all. I could mention any place on the planet and he would have been there, flew over it or bombed it. I swear he knew almost everyone who lived in Eastern Oregon. At my wedding, he was standing at the door shaking hands with everyone walking in (as if he were part of my receiving line). Mind you, he lived 45 miles away in a different town. But he knew them all. Humble, that man was so modest. Though he knew dignitaries, was a decorated war veteran and a successful business executive he never once boasted. He loved his family. He would have done anything for all of us. He had this laugh, just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. His nose would turn red then his cheeks (it's the Irish) he would sort of laugh under his breath until he couldn't hold it in any longer then out came the hardy belly laugh. He adored family and tradition. In return, we all cherished him.
I am honored to have known him. I am honored that he shared his stories with me. I am honored that he was a part of my life. I am honored to be his niece.
Rest in Peace Uncle Bob. I love you.